Friday, January 20, 2012

Glitter BOMB

Here is comes... BOOM!!!

i'm short on words today. but there you have it! kapooow!


  1. ahhh love it!! i lovelovelove glitter<3 this is great!

  2. what was the name of the china glaze you used? was it the one that was part of the eye candy collection? beautiful btw!

  3. play bazaar
    play bazaar

    play bazaar Commit yourself totally to your decision to quit smoking. If you are determined to quit smoking then put your whole soul into the effort. Announce to family and close friends that you are quitting and need support. Write down your specific goals and make them as detailed as you can. Also, write down your individual reasons for quitting. Post both lists where you can easily see them - like the bathroom mirror. Join a support group and attend meetings, whether online or in person. Go all in and make this happen.


I love hearing from you! Thanks for commenting! :D